![]() | ![]() Lameness Treatment | ![]() Equine Dental | ![]() Equine Diet & Nutrition | ![]() Equine Therapeutic Services | ![]() Vaccinations & Deworming | ![]() Equine Diagnostic Services |
![]() Digital Radiography&Ultrasonograph |
veterinary & chiropractic
care for your equine
Dedicated to your horse’s well-being and peak performance, Olde Towne Equine offers full service veterinary care whether you are a back yard horse hobbyist, seasoned competitor, or somewhere in between.
We Love Our Animals and What We Do!
My husband and I decided to move here from Lexington, Kentucky in 2009. Olde Towne Equine officially opened later that year. Since then I have had the opportunity to grow a successful business based on strong communication with owners, managers, and trainers, using a ‘whole horse’ approach for diagnosing problems, working closely with farriers, alternative medicine and referral veterinarians as needed.
I especially enjoy dentistry and treating lameness. There are so many ways to make horses more comfortable and keep them performing at their best. Tempering new advances in medicine and diagnostics with experience and thorough clinical examinations I have created a balance in my service to Fredericksburg and the surrounding counties.
I look forward to meeting you as a new client and getting to know your horses.
Chiropractic adjustments will help horses and canines where they need it, including reducing pain and muscle hypertonicity, and increasing joint range of motion.
Proper dental care allows a horse to process its feed and hay in an efficient way, and has been shown to play an important role in a horse’s ability to perform well.
Comprehensive lameness evaluations are conducted using diagnostic tools including digital radiography, local nerve blocks, conformation, and gait analysis.
Ultrasound imaging is a very useful diagnostic tool that allows examination of soft tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, and reproductive organs.
Digital radiographs are invaluable as a screening procedure during lameness and pre-purchase exams to evaluate the general health of joints.
Vaccinations and deworming schedules are designed to meet the individual needs of your horse.e.
Equine & Canine Chiropractic
Equine & Canine Chiropractic
Kate Moga, DVM, CAC, has been practicing veterinary medicine, with an emphasis in lameness, geriatric care, and dentistry, in Fredericksburg and the surrounding counties since 2010.
Chiropractic care adds another dimension to her practice. Instead of being limited to medications, supplements, needles and surgery, she can help horses help themselves heal.
“Horses, as well as humans, have an innate intelligence that allows the body to maintain homeostasis as long as neurologic pathways remain open. When a horse gets a laceration on the leg a vet comes out to suture it. The skin is opposed but it is the body that knows to march the cells across the wound to heal it, the sutures merely oppose the skin.
Chiropractic adjustments will help horses and canines where they need it, including reducing pain and muscle hypertonicity, and increasing joint range of motion.”
Lameness Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services
Lameness Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services
Comprehensive lameness evaluations are conducted using diagnostic tools including digital radiography, local nerve blocks, and anatomy and gait analysis. Therapeutic services offered on the farm include joint injections, IRAP, mesotherapy, and individual diet, exercise, and turnout recommendations.
Mesotherapy can be used to treat primary or secondary back or neck pain. A tight stiff neck or sore back keeps your horse from performing at peak level. Mesotherapy can accompany stifle or hock injections.
Digital Radiography
Digital Radiography
Digital radiography can be used to locate and evaluate a wide variety of irregularities in bone including abnormal bone appearance, early signs of degenerative change, and remodeling due to stresses. Digital radiographs are invaluable as a screening procedure during lameness and pre-purchase exams to evaluate the general health of joints.
Olde Towne Equine has the latest technology in digital radiography. Highly detailed radiographs (x-rays) can be obtained, examined, and read within a matter of minutes at the farm. Measurements such as degree of rotation, toe length, and sole depth can be taken on the digital images, allowing the veterinarian to work closely with your farrier to give your horse the very best foot care possible.
Equine Dentistry
Equine Dentistry
Equine dentistry is a very important part of the routine health maintenance program for every horse. Proper dental care allows a horse to process its feed and hay in an efficient way, and has been shown to play an important role in a horse’s ability to perform well. It is also beneficial in improving the lives and longevity of geriatric horses.
Annual or even biannual examinations of your horse’s teeth allow us to identify and address problem areas before they become problematic or impair performance. Horses’ teeth are continuously erupting throughout their lives, so their mouths are always changing.
Equine Ultrasonography
Equine Ultrasonography
Ultrasound imaging is a very useful diagnostic tool that allows examination of soft tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, and reproductive organs. Sound waves are passed through the soft tissue and back to the transducer to allow for quick, harmless, and pain-free imaging of virtually any soft-tissue structure. Reproductive ultrasounds can be performed per rectum allowing visualization of ovarian structure, uterine activity, and fetal development.
Vaccinations & Deworming
Vaccinations & Deworming
Vaccinations and deworming schedules are designed to meet the individual needs of your horse.
Did you know?
A recent study that included over 1200 horses in 5 states has revealed that parasite resistance to commonly used dewormers is much more common that suspected and is growing worse. We have contributed to this problem by blindly deworming without first checking the worm burden in each horse, using dewomers with a greater frequency than is needed in many horses.
It will be years before the drug companies produce a “new” dewormer so we need to effectively use the ones we currently have.
Pre-purchase exams
Pre-purchase exams
Whether this is your first horse or you've owned them for years, schedule an exam before bringing your next one home. You'll thank yourself later.
Why would I do that?
If you're ready to buy then you've already thought about why you're buying a horse. An examination could tell you if it's a good investment depending on your style of riding and the job you have planned for your new equine friend. We can test for equine diseases and overall dental and general health. Trust us. A pre-purchase exam could save you thousands!